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    My Camaro Diaries




    📚 改装心得

    Hello,我是Jeph,给大家介绍我的车,我的车是雪佛兰科迈罗,从买车到现在是第九年,陆陆续续做了一些升级和改装,这是我的分享,我的中文不好,请多指教。车辆情况:雪弗兰 科迈罗 2011款原厂3.6 V6 改装风格:美国肌肉赛道日风格

    When I was a little kid, growing up in Michigan, I saw a black 4th Gen IROC Camaro at in babysitter's driveway. I had always liked cars and seeing that in person was pivotal moment for me. I also had a lot of toy cars and my favorite were always the muscle cars- Mustangs and Corvettes. I like Chevys because my dad’s first car was a 1959 Corvette so it runs in the family. 我在美国密歇根州长大,有一次,我在保姆的车道上看到一个黑色的4代IROC Camaro。我一直很喜欢汽车,亲眼看到这一点对我来说是关键时刻。我从小有很多玩具车,我最喜欢的总是肌肉车- Mustangs,Camaros and Firebirds. 我喜欢雪佛兰,因为我父亲的第一辆车是1959年的Corvette, so it runs in the family.

    After looking hard for a well taken care of Camaro that was not yellow, I finally bought my Camaro in 2013. 在努力寻找一个clean and不NOT yellow Camaro,我终于在2013年买了我的Camaro

    Initial D

    When I modify my car, I try to do most of the work myself, for big things that need special tools I will go to the shops that I feel have owners or staff that I can connect with. I buy some parts from the US and others locally. 当我改装我的车时,我会尝试自己做大部分工作,对于需要特殊工具的大事,我会去我觉得有have the same feelings about cars as I do 的改装店。配件我从美国购买一些,从当地购买其他零件

    When I look for parts, it is mostly to improve the performance. I go on the forums at Camaro5.com to and read about the parts and how they will enhance the car. I understand that when the Camaro was built, it was made for an average person to drive but I have different needs so I tried to improve on handling, braking and engine management to be better than it came from the factory.

    当我寻找零件时,主要是为了提高性能。我最喜欢上 Camaro5.com 的论坛上阅读有关零件的信息以及它们将如何增强汽车。我知道,当Camaro被制造出来时,它是为普通人驾驶用的,但我有不同的需求,所以我试图改善操handling, braking and engine management,使其比原厂更好。

    Angel eyes

    I feel that everything I have added has improved the car’s quality and performance. It handles better, accelerates better, looks better and feels more alive than a stock Camaro. Some of the disadvantages are that because it is lowered, it can’t go up and down steep roads and the ride is harsher and fuel economy may have suffered.

    The main disadvantage is that my wife doesn’t like to ride in it or drive it. 我觉得我改装的所有内容都提高了汽车的质量和性能。我的车handle得更好,加速更猛,看起来更帅,感觉比原装的Camaro更有活力。一些缺点是,it’s too low,上下坡很麻烦,it rides stiff,燃油经济性可能会受到影响。主要的缺点是我的妻子不喜欢乘坐and 她不喜欢开我的车。

    My wife and me

    Every time I get in the car, I can’t help but to smile. My car has been a part of my life for so long and is like a part of my family. If I am having a bad day, my car will always be there for me to cheer me up- if it just going to work, driving up to the mountains or on the track, there is not another car in the world I would rather have.每次上车,我都会忍不住笑。我的车is a part of my life,就像我的family member 一样。如果我心情不好,just sitting behind the wheel makes me feel better.我的车将永远在那里为我加油打气 – 不管是上下班,开车上山路或在赛道上,世界上没有另一辆车我宁愿拥有。

    Amazing road trip

    My list


    SS款车头和炭素的splitter Darwin Pro炭素机器盖定做的尾灯ZL1款侧裙碳素翅膀


    hurst paddle shifter Sabelt 4 point 安全带


    K&N Typhoon cold air intake, Borla 排气管 RX catch can, TRCR -II strut bar, Vmax ported throttle body, “IceOlater”, Vitesse throttle controller, Apex washer bottle relocation and air scoop, Hypertech tune


    前: Cadillac ATS Brembo 4 piston w/ EBC yellow stuff 刹车片 Dixcel 刹车盘

    后: Camaro SS Brembo 4 piston w/ EBC yellow stuff 刹车片 Stoptech 刹车盘Goodrich stainless steel braided brake hoses

    Engine bay must stay clean

    Enough power for me.

    Night time track time


    BC RACING coil overs

    我选这些配件是因为我做很多的比较,选一个我觉得最有效的。有的是因为价格不高,我觉得很值。比如说,全面的Brembo卡钳是在美国买的,全新一套才一百多美金。后面跟一个camaro5 forum user 买了,花了$50,包括刹车片。我所有的车都用EBC。我试过其他的刹车片但是豆没有那个感觉好。

    原来的避震特别bouncy,the car had a lot of roll in the corners所有我找一找中国能买到什么牌子的,价格不要太高的and一个好牌子,最好选了BC。


    And how you car performance with this (better than before)?

    我车改了之后各个方面都更好。At cars and Coffee 我朋友让给我开一下他的原厂的Camaro, driving it made me realize, 跟一个没改装的科迈罗比起来差别很明显。试驾,提速,拐弯和刹车都升级了。A factory Camaro 真不错,真实够开的,但是我从小就喜欢吧我的东西变得更好。

    最后一句话,我所有改的地方都是我研究好久的, 做很多的比较,我只会买我觉得质量好的,配置比原厂还要结实的。我希望大家改装自己车的时候也是注意安全,be safe and be responsible and bring pride to those who love cars.

    Not far from home

    Putting it away for the night


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